Project 2 Reflection (lgrazios)

I believe that it is challenging for women and minorities to break into STEM fields because there are very few role models. I am not sure about women here in the US, but in Latin America, where Daniela and I are from, women aren’t as common in STEM fields. They really get struggle to get to a position in STEM and to be taken seriously in it. This is completely different here in the United States, I believe the US has done a good job in creating a healthier environment for women to feel more confortable, of course there is still much more work to do. As I mentioned most of the time there is a shortage of role models for STEM minorities and women. As Daniela mentioned one of her professors served as a mentor and role model, professor Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and I bet there are several professors in each department that act like role models for several students.

            Personally I believe role models are always important even when you don’t notice you have one. When I got into computer science there was no one I knew in the computer science field. I had no idea of any Latinos in the computer science field, not only had I never researched anyone but I never really heard of any that stood out to me. Turns out a fellow Guatemalan is a Tech genius, Luis Von Ahn went to my high school, not only that one of my favorite professors was his favorite professor as well. This really motivated me because I could really relate to him and looked up to him. If you don’t know who he is he invented CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, and is the creator of Duolingo. It is really interesting how he invented CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA but still I am pretty sure not many people know about him. So I wonder, if he weren’t a minority would he be more popular?


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