Introduction - Who am I? (Reading00-lgrazios)

My name is Luigi Grazioso, I am a current senior. I was born and raised in Guatemala, I like to play basketball, and I am a big soccer fan. I originally came to Notre Dame with the idea of studying Mechanical Engineering, but after learning programming in the Intro to Engineering course in freshman year I realized that I wanted to study Computer Science and I changed majors. In this class I hope to stay update with current topics of Computer Science so that I can be well informed of what is going on and I can have more engaging conversations with fellow Computer Scientists, both here at Notre dame but also out in the real world.

In my opinion some of the most pressing ethical and moral issues that computer scientists face can be regarding new technologies and their implications regarding how this technology can be used or the possible negative effects it might have. For example, how an intelligent AI might help people be more productive and it might boost innovation but it might also make us, human beings, lazier and more dependent on technology.


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